
Before 2016

The publications marked with are based or contain information on invasive alien species.

Balant, M., Rodríguez González, R., Garcia, S., Garnatje, T., Pellicer, J., Vallès, J., Vitales, D. & Hidalgo, O. 2022. Novel Insights into the Nature of Intraspecific Genome Size Diversity in Cannabis sativa L.  Plants 11(20):2736.

Herrando, S., Nualart, N., Galbany-Casals, M., Garcia-Jacas, N., Ohashi, H., Matsui, T., Susanna, A., Tang, C.Q. & López, J. 2022. Climate Stability Index maps, a global high resolution cartography of climate stability from Pliocene to 2100Scientific Data 9: 48.

Jiang, L., Bao, Q., He, W., Fan, D., Cheng, S., López-Pujol, J., Chung, M.G., Sakaguchi, S., Sánchez-González, A., Gedik, A., Li, D., Kou, Y.& Zhang, Z. 2022. Phylogeny and biogeography of Fagus (Fagaceae) based on 28 nuclear single/low-copy loci. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 60(4): 759- 772.

Ona, G., Balant, M., Bouso, J.C., Gras, A., Vallès, J., Vitales, D. & Garnatje, T. 2022. The Use of Cannabis sativa L. for Pest Control: From the Ethnobotanical Knowledge to a Systematic Review of Experimental StudiesCannabis and Cannabinoid Research 7(4):365-387.

Tang, C.Q., Matsui, T., Ohashi, H., Nualart, N., Herrando-Moraira, S., Dong, Y., Grote, P.J., Ngoc, N.V., Sam, H.V., Li, S., Han, P., Shen, L., Huang, D.,  Peng, M., Wang, Ch., Li, X., Yan, H., Zhu, M., Lu, X., Wen, J., Yao, S., Du, M., Shi, Y., Xiao, Sh., Zeng, J., Wang, H. & López-Pujol, J. 2022. Identifying long-term stable refugia for dominant Castanopsis species of evergreen broad-leaved forests in East Asia: A tool for ensuring their conservationBiological Conservation 273.

Vargas, A., Herrera, I., Nualart, N., Guézou, A., Gómez-Bellver, C.,  Freire, E., Jaramillo, P. & López-Pujol, J. 2022.The Genus Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae) in Ecuador: From Gardens to the WildPlants, 11: 1746.

The publications marked with are based or contain information on invasive alien species.

Balant, M., Gras, A., Ruz, M., Vallès, J., Vitales, D. & Garnatje, T. 2021. Traditional uses of Cannabis: An analysis of the CANNUSE databaseJournal of Ethnopharmacology 279(28): 114362.

Balant, M., Gras, A., Gálvez, F., Garnatje, T., Vallès, J. & Vitales, D. 2021. CANNUSE, a database of traditional Cannabis uses – an opportunity for new researchDatabaseThe Journal of Biological Databases and Curation 2021: baab024.

Bougoutaia, Y., Garnatje, T., Vallès, J., Kaid-Harche, M., Ouhammou, A., Dahia, M., Tlili, A. & Vitales, D. 2021. Phylogeographical and cytogeographical history of Artemisa herba-alba (Asteraceae) in the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa: mirrored intricate patterns on both sides of the Mediterranean Sea. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 195: 588–605.

Carvalho, J. A., Vilatersana, R. & López-Pujol, J. 2021. Conservation status of three endemic plants of the Selvagens Islands (Northern Atlantic Ocean): Argyranthemum thalassophilum, Asparagus nesiotes subsp. nesiotes and Euphorbia anachoreta. Plant Biosystems 155: 1081–1087.

Chung, M.Y., Son, S., López-Pujol, J., Mao, K. & Chung, M. G. 2021. Plant Conservation Practitioners Can Benefit from Neutral Genetic DiversityDiversity 13: 552.

Garcia-Jacas, N., Requena, J., Massó, S., Vilatersana, R., Blanché, C. & Lopez-Pujol, J. 2021. Genetic diversity and structure of the narrow endemic Seseli farrenyi (Apiaceae): implications for translocation. PeerJ 9: e1052.

Heitkam, T. & Garcia, S. 2021. Can we have it all? Repurposing target capture for repeat genomics. A commentary on: ‘Aiming off the target: recycling target capture sequencing reads for investigating repetitive DNA’. Annals of Botany: mcab080.

Mestre, E., Sáez, LL. & Nualart, N. 2021. Typification of names in Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae) described by Sennen from Spain. Phytotaxa 505(1).

Moreyra, L.D., Márquez, F., Susanna, A., Garcia-Jacas, N., Vázquez, F.M. & López-Pujol, J. 2021. Genesis, evolution, and genetic diversity of the hexaploid, narrow endemic Centaurea tentudaica. Diversity 13(2): 72.

Nualart, N., Herrando-Moraira, S., Cires, E., Guardiola, M., Laguna, E., Pérez-Prieto, D., Sáez, L. & López-Pujol, J. 2021. Reusing Old and Producing New Data Is Useful for Species Delimitation in the Taxonomically Controversial Iberian Endemic Pair Petrocoptis montsicciana/ P. pardoi (Caryophyllaceae). Diversity 13(5): 205.

Nualart, N., Soriano, I., Pérez-Prieto, D., & Ibáñez, N. 2021. Catalogue and typification of the Moroccan taxa published by Carlos Pau. Phytotaxa 519(1): 1–94.

Pascual-Díaz, J. P., Garcia, S. & Vitales, D. 2021. Plastome Diversity and Phylogenomic Relationships in AsteraceaePlants 10(12):2699.

Pellicer, J., López-Pujol, J., Aixarch, M., Garnatje, T., Vallès, J. & Hidalgo, O. 2021. Detecting Introgressed Populations in the Iberian Endemic Centaurea podospermifolia through Genome SizePlants 10(8), 1492.

Pérez-Azcarate, M., Caballero-López, B., Uribe, F., Ibáñez, N., Masó, G., García-Franquesa, E., Carrilo, J., Agua Martínez, F., García-Heras, M. & Villegas, M.A. 2021. Assessing Environmental Acidity in Storerooms of Natural History Collections. Curator 64 (1): 155–182.

Peska, V., Fajkus, P., Bubeník, M., Brázda, V., Bohálová, N., Dvořáček, V., Fajkus, J. & Garcia, S. 2021. Extraordinary diversity of telomeres, telomerase RNAs and their template regions in SaccharomycetaceaeScientifc Reports 11: 12784.

Sochorová, J., Gálvez, F., Matyášek, R., Garcia, S. & Kovarik, A. 2021. Analyses of the updated “animal rdna loci database” with an emphasis on its new features. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(21): 11403.

Other publications

Campeny, M., Llorca, J., Ibáñez, N., Allepuz, D., Camarasa, J. M. & Aurell Garrido, J. 2021. La pedra que caigué del cel: el redescobriment del meteorit de Barcelona (1704)Mineralogistes de Catalunya 14(2): 63– 74.

Ibáñez, N. 2021. L’Institut Botànic de Barcelona participa en el projecte europeu ScicomoveBrolla 52: 67.

Márquez-Corro, J.I., Jiménez-Mejías, P., Fernández-Mazuecos, M., Ramos-Gutiérrez, I., Martín-Hernanz, S., Martín-Bravo, S., Alfaro-Saíz, E., Blanco-Salas, J., Borras, J., Capó, M., Carrera-Bonet, D., de la Fuente Brun, P., Fernandez, A., Garnatje, T., Gorriz-Huarte, L., Molino, S., Nualart, N. & Mairal, M. 2021. I Biomaratón de Flora Española: ciencia ciudadana para visibilizar la biodiversidad vegetalConservación vegetal 25: 33–37. 

Nualart, N. & Muñiz Pérez, D. 2021. La espermoteca de Umbelíferas del herbario BC (Instituto Botánico de Barcelona)Boletin de la Asociación de Herbarios Ibero Macaronésicos 18: 90–92.

Pérez Lorenzo, I., Farràs, E., Gavioli, L., Nualart, N., Montes-Moreno, N., Pérez Prieto, D. & Ibáñez, N. 2021. Este pliego está muy vivo: impacto en la Ciencia, vías de conservación preventiva e importancia de la conservación de muestras testigoBoletin de la Asociación de Herbarios Ibero Macaronésicos 18: 93 97.

Books and books chapters

Garnatje, T., Vitales, D. & Pellicer, J. 2021. Sobre l’origen misteriós de la falguera Pellaea calomelanos: desxifrant l’enigma de la seva arribada a Catalunya. HerbArt: confluències entre art i ciència (Eds. Mar Redondo, Eva Figueras). Edicions Universitat Barcelona. Barcelona.5659.

Hidalgo, E., Rocadembosch, M., Ibáñez, N., Avecilla, C., Balant, M., Fuentes, I., Garnatje, T., Gras, A., Lacoste, H., Pellicer, J., Pérez, I., Revel, M., Rodríguez, R., Teixidó, G., & Hidalgo, O. 2021. Botànica, entre ciència i art. Quadern d’activitats per a nens i nenes de 3-6 anys.

Hidalgo, E., Ibáñez, N., Avecilla, C., Balant, M., Fuentes, I., Garnatje, T., Gras, A., Lacoste, H., Pellicer, J., Pérez, I., Revel, M., Rodríguez, R., Teixidó, G. & Hidalgo, O. 2021. Botànica, entre ciència i art. Quadern d’activitats per a nens i nenes de 7-12 anys. 

Ibañez, N. 2021. La resiliència i l’herbari Salvador. HerbArt: confluències entre art i ciència (Eds. Mar Redondo, Eva Figueras). Edicions Universitat Barcelona. Barcelona. 244-248.

Nualart, N. & López-Pujol, J. 2021. Ginko biloba y Kalanchoe × houghtonii: dos ejemplos de resiliencia en el mundo vegetal. HerbArt: confluències entre art i ciència (Eds. Mar Redondo, Eva Figueras). Edicions Universitat Barcelona. Barcelona. 176-190.

The publications marked with ❈ are based or contain information on invasive alien species.

Asensio, E., Vitales, D., Pérez, I., Peralba, L., Viruel, J., Montaner,C., Vallès, J., Garnatje, T. & Sales, E. 2020. Phenolic Compounds Content and Genetic Diversity at Population Level across the Natural Distribution Range of Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Ericaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula. Plants 9: 1250.

Baránková, S., Pascual‐Díaz, J.P., Sultana, N., Alonso‐Lifante, M.P.,Balant, M., Barros, K., D’Ambrosio U., Malinská, H., Peska, V., Pérez Lorenzo, I., Kovařík, A., Vyskot, B., Janoušek, B. & Garcia, S. 2020. Sex‐chrom, a database on plant sex chromosomes. New Phytologist. 227(6): 1594–1604.

Bougoutaia, Y., Garnatje, T., Vallès, J., Kaid-Harche, M., Ouhammou, A., Dahia, M., Tlili, A. & Vitales, D. 2020. Phylogeographical and cytogeographical history of Artemisia herba-alba (Asteraceae) in the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa: mirrored intricate patterns on both sides of the Mediterranean Sea. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 20: boaa075.

Chung, M.Y., Son, S., Herrando-Moraira, S., Tang, C.Q., Maki, M., Maki, M., Kim, Y.D., López-Pujol, J., Hamrick, J.L., Chung, M.G. 2020. Incorporating differences between genetic diversity of trees and herbaceous plants in conservation strategies. Conservation Biology 34(5): 1142–1151.

Garcia, S. 2020. Pandemics and Traditional Plant-Based Remedies. A Historical-Botanical Review in the Era of COVID19. Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 571042.

Garcia, S., Wendel, J.F., Borowska-Zuchowska, N., Aïnouche, M., Kuderova, A. & Kovarik, A. 2020. The Utility of Graph Clustering of 5S Ribosomal DNA Homoeologs in Plant Allopolyploids, Homoploid Hybrids, and Cryptic Introgressants. Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 41.

Gómez-Bellver, C., Ibáñez, N., Nualart, N. & López-Pujol, J. 2020. Nuevas especies de plantas vasculares alóctonas subespontáneas en Cataluña (España). Flora Montiberica 77: 33–36.

Gómez-Bellver, C., Laguna, E., Agut A., Ballester, G., Fos, S., Guillot, D., Francisco, S., Oltra, J.E., Pérez-Rovira, P., Deltoro, V., Ibáñez, N., Herrando-Moraira, S., Nualart, N. & López-Pujol, J. 2020. The recent neophyte Opuntia aurantiaca (Cactaceae): distribution and potential invasion in the Iberian Peninsula. Flora Mediterranea 30: 377–390.

Herrando-Moraira, S., Calleja, J.A., Chen, Y.S., Fujikawa, K., Galbany-Casals, M., Garcia-Jacas, N., Kim, S.C., Liu, J.Q., López-Alvarado, J., López-Pujol, J., Mandel, J.R., Mehregan, I., Roquet, C., Sennikov, A.N., Susanna, A., Vilatersana, R. & Xu, L.S. 2020. Generic boundaries in subtribe Saussureinae (Compositae: Cardueae): Insights from Hyb-Seq data. Taxon 69: 694–714.

Herrando-Moraira, S., Vitales, D., Nualart, N., Gómez-Bellver, C., Ibáñez, N., Massó, S., Cachón-Ferrero, P., González-Gutiérrez, P.A., Guillot, D., Herrera, I., Shaw, D., Stinca, A., Wang, Z. & López-Pujol, J. 2020. Global distribution patterns and niche modelling of the invasive Kalanchoe × houghtonii (Crassulaceae). Scientific Reports 10: 3143.

Llorca, J., Campeny, M., Ibáñez, N., Allepuz, D., Camarasa, J.M. & Aurell-Garrido, J. 2020. The meteorite of Barcelona (1704): History, discovery, and classification. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 55(4): 705-725.

Pascual-Díaz, J.P., Serçe, S., Hradecká, I., Vanek, M., Özdemir, B., Sultana, N., Vural, M., Vitales, D.& Garcia, S. 2020. Genome size constancy in Antarctic populations of Colobanthus quitensis and Deschampsia antarctica. Polar Biology. 43:1407–1413.

Peska, V. & Garcia, S. 2020. Origin, Diversity, and Evolution of Telomere Sequences in Plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 117.

Peska, V., Matl, M., Mandakova, T., Vitales, D., Fajkus, P., Fajkus, J., & Garcia, S. 2020. Human-like telomeres in Zostera marina reveal a mode of transition from the plant to the human telomeric sequences. Journal of Experimental Botany. 71: 5786–5793.

Requena, J., López-Pujol, J., Carnicero, P., Susanna, A. & Garcia-Jacas, N. 2020. The Centaurea alba complex in the Iberian Peninsula: gene flow, introgression, and blurred genetic boundaries. Plant Systematics and Evolution 306: 43.

Sultana, N., Pascual-Diaz, J.P., Gers, A., Ilga, K., Serce, S., Vitales, D. & Garcia, S. 2020. Contribution to the knowledge of genome size evolution in edible blueberries (genus Vaccinium). Journal of Berry Research 10: 243–257.

Tang, C.Q., Ohashi, H., Matsui, T., Herrando-Moraira, S., Dong, Y.F., Li, S., Han, P.B., Huang, D.S., Shen, L.Q., Li, Y.F. & López-Pujol, J. 2020. Effects of climate change on the potential distribution of the threatened relict Dipentodon sinicus of subtropical forests in East Asia: Recommendations for management and conservation. Global Ecology and Conservation 23: e01992.

Vitales, D., Álvarez, I., Garcia, S., Hidalgo, O., Vallès, J. & Garnatje, T. 2020. Genome size variation at constant chromosome number is not correlated with repetitive DNA dynamism in Anacyclus (Asteraceae). Annals of Botany 125(4): 611–623.

Vitales, D., Garcia, S. & Dodsworth, S. 2020. Reconstructing Phylogenetic Relationships Based on Repeat Sequence Similarities. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 147: 106766.

Other publications

Burguera, C., Vallès-Xirau, J. & Ibáñez, N. 2020. L’herbari de l’Institut Biològic de Sarrià: descripció general i plecs més interessants, amb noves aportacions corològiquesButlletí de la Institució Catalana d’Història Natural 84, 225-233.

The publications marked with are based or contain information on invasive alien species.

Abdeddaim-Boughanmi, K., Garnatje, T., Vitales, D., Brown, S.C., Kaïd-Harche, M. & Siljak-Yakovlev, S. 2019. A single species, two basic chromosomal numbers: case of Lygeum spartum (Poaceae). Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology 153(6): 775–783.

Ben-Menni Schuler, S., López-Pujol, J., Blanca, G., Vilatersana, R., Garcia-Jacas, N. & Suárez-Santiago, V.N. 2019. Influence of the quaternary glacial cycles and the mountains on the reticulations in the subsection Willkommia of the genus Centaurea. Frontiers in Plant Science 10: 303.

Bosch, M., Herrando-Moraira, S., Hoyo, A.D., López-Pujol, J., Massó, S., Rosselló, J.A., Simon, J. & Blanché, C. 2019. New conservation viewpoints when plants are viewed at one level higher. Integration of phylogeographic structure, niche modeling and genetic diversity in conservation planning of W Mediterranean larkspurs. Global Ecology and Conservation 18: e00580.

Burguera, C., Gómez-Bellver, C., Guillot, D., Ibáñez, N., López-Pujol, J. & Nualart, N. 2019. Introduction of the genus Agave in the Iberian Peninsula. In: Engman, E. (ed.) Agave: characterization, analysis and uses. Nova Science Publishers, New York, p. 1-26.

Chung, M.Y., Chung, J.M., Son, S., Mao, K., López-Pujol, J. & Chung, M.G. 2019. The genetically healthy terrestrial orchid Liparis krameri on southern Korean Peninsula. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 49(4): 324–333.

Chung, M. Y., Son, S., Chung, J. M., López-Pujol, J., Yukawa, T. & Chung, M. G. 2019. Evaluation of the taxonomic rank of the terrestrial orchid Cephalanthera subaphylla based on allozymes. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 49(2): 118-126.

Chung, M.Y., Son, S., Mao, K., López-Pujol, J. & Chung, M.G. 2019. Seed collection strategies for plant restoration with the aid of neutral genetic diversity. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 49(4): 275–281.

Ferrer-Gallego, P.P., Mateo, G., Gavioli, L. & Ibáñez, N. 2019. Taxonomic and nomenclatural revision of Carlos Pau’s names in Hieracium (Asteraceae). Phytotaxa 401(2): 64-100.

Garcia-Jacas, N., López-Pujol, J., López-Vinyallonga, S., Janaković, P. & Susanna, A. 2019. Centaurea subsect. Phalolepis in Southern Italy: ongoing speciation or species overestimation? Genetic evidence based on SSRs analyses. Systematics and Biodiversity 17(2): 93-109.

Gómez-Bellver, C., Álvarez, H., Nualart, N., Ibáñez, N., Sáez, L. & López-Pujol, J. 2019. New records of alien vascular plants in Catalonia (NE Iberian Peninsula). Collectanea Botanica 38: e004.

Gómez-Bellver, C., Ibáñez, N., López-Pujol, J., Nualart, N. & Susanna, A. 2019. How photographs can be a complement to herbarium specimens. A proposal of standardization. Taxon 68(6): 1321–1326.

Gómez-Bellver, C., López-Pujol, J., Nualart, N., Álvarez, H., Ibáñez, N. & Guillot, D. 2019. Nuevos datos de plantas alóctonas de origen ornamental en Cataluña. Bouteloua 28: 51-65.

Gómez-Bellver, C., Nualart, N., Ibáñez, N., Burguera, C., Álvarez, H. & López-Pujol, J. 2019. Noves dades per a la flora al·lòctona de Catalunya i del País Valencià. Butlletí de la Institució Catalana d’Història Natural 83: 23-40.

González-Gutiérrez, P., López-Pujol, J. & Gómez-Bellver, J. 2019. Notas sobre las especies de Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae) ocasionales y naturalizadas en Cuba. Collectanea Botanica 38: e011.

Guillot Ortiz, D., López-Pujol, J. & Laguna Lumbreras, E. 2019. Un posible híbrido del género Opuntia: ‘Anacantha’ × ‘Vertex’. Bouteloua 28: 92-102.

Herrando-Moraira, S., Calleja, J. A., Galbany-Casals, M., Garcia-Jacas, N. Liu, J.-Q., López-Alvarado, K., López-Pujol, J., Mandel, J. R., Massó, S., Montes-Moreno, N., Roquet, C., Sáez, L., Sennikov, A., Susanna, A. & Vilatersana R. 2019. Nuclear and plastid DNA phylogeny of the tribe Cardueae (Compositae) with Hyb-Seq data: A new subtribal classification and a temporal diversification framework. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 137: 313–332.

Herrando Moraira, S., Massó, S., Zani, D., López-Pujol, J. & Vilatersana, R. 2019. The impact of Pleistocene sea-level oscillations on plant genetic diversity: the case of the western Mediterranean endemic Carduncellus dianius (Asteraceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 191(3): 399–420.

Herrando-Moraira, S., Nualart, N. , Herrando-Moraira, A., Chung, M.Y., Chung, M.G. & López-Pujol, J. 2019. Climatic niche characteristics of native and invasive Lilium lancifolium. Scientific Reports 9: 14334.

Liu, M.-L., He, Y.-L., López-Pujol, J., Jia, Y. & Li, Z.-H. 2019. Complex population evolutionary history of four cold-tolerant Notopterygium herb species in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas. Heredity 123: 242-263.

Nieto Feliner, G., Rosato, M., Alegre, G., San Segundo, P., Rosselló, J. A., Garnatje, T. & Garcia, S. 2019. Dissimilar molecular and morphological patterns in an introgressed peripheral population of a sand dune species (Armeria pungens, Plumbaginaceae). Plant Biology 21(6): 1072–1082.

Paniego, A., Panero, J.L., Vallès, J. & Garcia, S. 2019. Contribution to the genome size knowledge of New World species from the Heliantheae alliance (Asteraceae). Plant Biosystems 153: 559-568.

Pérez Prieto, D. & Nualart, N. 2019. Centaurea diluta (Asteraceae), nou neòfit per a la província de Barcelona. Butlletí de la Institució Catalana d’Història Natural 83: 131–132.

Verloove, F., Aymerich, P., Gómez-Bellver, C. & López-Pujol, J. 2019. Chorological notes of the non-native flora of the province of Tarragona (Catalonia, Spain). Butlletí de la Institució Catalana d’Història Natural 83: 133–146.

Vitales, D., Aragay, J., Garnatje, T., Gómez-Garreta, A. & Rull, J. 2019. Phylogeography of Dictyota fasciola and Dictyota mediterranea (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae): unexpected patterns on the Atlantic-Mediterranean marine. PeerJ 7: e6916.

Vitales, D., Fernández, P., Garnatje, T. & Garcia, S. 2019. Progress in the study of genome size evolution in Asteraceae: analysis of the last update. Database 2019: baz098.

Vitales, D., Garcia-Fernández, A., Garnatje, T., Vallès, J., Font, J., Robert, Y. & Vigo, J. 2019. Pellaea calomelanos in Catalonia: is it really a very old disjunction? Collectanea Botanica 38: e010.

Wang, W., Wan, T., Becher, H., Kuderova, A., Leitch, Ilia J., Garcia, S., Leitch, A. R. & Kovarik, A. 2019. Remarkable variation of ribosomal DNA organization and copy number in gnetophytes, a distinct lineage of gymnosperms. Annals of Botany 123(5): 767–781.

The publications marked with are based or contain information on invasive alien species.

Chung, M.Y., López-Pujol, J., Son, S., Suh, G.U., Yukawa, T. & Chung, M.G. 2018. Patterns of genetic diversity in rare and common orchids focusing on the Korean Peninsula: implications for conservation. The Botanical Review 84(1): 1–25.

Chung, M.Y., Lu, N.T., López-Pujol, J., Herrando-Moraira, S., Chung, J.M., Tian, H.Z., Suetsugu, K., Kawahara, T., Yukawa, T., Maki, M., Kumar, P., Kim, Y.-D. & Chung, M.G. 2018. Effect of historical factors on genetic variation in three terrestrial Cephalanthera species (Orchidaceae) with different breeding system on the Korean Peninsula. Nordic Journal of Botany 36: e01862.

Chung, M.Y., Nason, J.D., López-Pujol, J., Chung, J.M., Kim, K.J., Maki, M. & Chung, M.G. 2018. Fine-scale genetic structure in populations of the spring ephemeral herb Megaleranthis saniculifolia (Ranunculaceae). Flora 240: 16–24.

Chung, M.Y., Son, S., Suh, G.U., Herrando-Moraira, S., Lee, C.H., López-Pujol, J. & Chung, M.G. 2018. The Korean Baekdudaegan Mountains: A glacial refugium and a biodiversity hotspot that needs to be conserved. Frontiers in Genetics 9: 489.

Chung, M.Y., Vu, S.H., López-Pujol, J., Herrando-Moraira, S., Son, S., Suh, G.U., Le, H.T.Q. & Chung, M.G. 2018. Comparison of genetic variation between northern and southern populations of Lilium cernuum (Liliaceae): Implications for Pleistocene refugia. PLoS One 13(1): e0190520.

Herrando-Moraira, S., Calleja, J.A., Carnicero, P., Fujikawa, K., Galbany-Casals, M., Garcia-Jacas, N., Im, H.-T., Kim, S.-C., Liu, J.-Q., López-Alvarado, J., López-Pujol, J., Mandel, J.R., Massó, S., Mehregan, I., Montes-Moreno, N., Pyak, E., Roquet, C., Sáez, L., Sennikov, A., Susanna A. & Vilatersana, R. 2018. Exploring data processing strategies in NGS target enrichment to disentangle radiations in the tribe Cardueae (Compositae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 128: 69–87.

Ibáñez, N. & López-Pujol, J. 2018. Les plantes al·lòctones de Montjuïc, sota estudi. Brolla 44: 6–7.

Inceer, H., Garnatje, T., Hayırlıoğlu-Ayaz, S., Pascual-Díaz, J.P., Vallès, J. & Garcia, S. 2018. A genome size and phylogenetic survey of Mediterranean Tripleurospermum and Matricaria (Anthemideae, Asteraceae). PLoS ONE 13(10): e0203762.

Largier, G., Molina, J., Garnatje, T., Ibáñez, N., Gómez, D., Garmendia, J., Gil, T., Heras, P., Ninot, J. & Komak, B. 2018. FLORAPYR. Evaluación, seguimiento y conservación de la flora pirenaica ante el cambio climático. Conservación Vegetal 22: 18.

Massó, S., López-Pujol, J. & Vilatersana, R. 2018. Reinterpretation of an endangered taxon based on integrative taxonomy: The case of Cynara baetica (Compositae). PLoS ONE 13(11): e0207094.

Montes-Moreno, N. Garcia-Jacas, N., Nualart, N., Susanna, A. & Sáez, L. 2018. Typification of plant names referable to Phagnalon (Compositae) with some taxonomic notes. Phytotaxa 360: 1–18.

Nualart, N., Ibáñez, N., Susanna, A. & Soriano, I. 2018. Typification of names of plants described by Carlos Pau from Morocco (1908–1922). Taxon 67: 614–620

Pellicer, J., Saslis-Lagoudakis, C.H., Carrió, E., Ernst, M., Garnatje, T., Grace, O.M., Gras, A., Mumbrú, M., Vallès, J., Vitales, D. & Rønsted, N. 2018. A phylogenetic road map to antimalarial Artemisia species. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 225: 1–9.

Sochorová, J., Garcia, S., Gálvez, F., Symonová, R. & Kovarík, A. 2018. Evolutionary trends in animal ribosomal DNA loci: introduction to a new online database. Chromosoma 127(1): 141–150.

Tang, C.Q., Matsui, T., Ohashi, H., Dong, Y.-F., Momohara, A., Herrando-Moraira, S., Qian, S., Yang, Y., Ohsawa, M., Luu, H.T., Grote, P.J., Krestov, P.V., Ben L.P., Werger, M., Robertson, K., Hobohm, C., Wang, C.-Y., Peng, M.-C., Chen, X., Wang, H.-C., Su, W.-H., Zhou, R., Li, S., He, L.-Y., Yan, K., Zhu, M.-Y., Hu, J.,Yang, R.-H., Li, W.-J., Tomita, M., Wu, Z.-L., Yan, H.-Z., Zhang, G.-F., He, H., Yi, S.-R., Gong, H., Song, K., Song, D., Li, X.-S., Zhang, Z.-Y., Han, P.-B., Shen, L.-Q., Huang, D.-S., Luo, K. & López-Pujol, J. 2018. Identifying long-term stable refugia for relict plant species in East Asia. Nature Communications 9: 4488.

Tian, H.Z., Han, L.X., Zhang, J.L., Li, X.L., Kawahara, T., Yukawa, T., López-Pujol, J., Kumar, P., Chung, M.G. & Chung, M.Y. 2018. Genetic diversity in the endangered terrestrial orchid Cypripedium japonicum in East Asia: Insights into population history and implications for conservation. Scientific Reports 8: 6467.

Tian, S., Kou, Y., Zhang, Z., Yuan, L., Li, D., López-Pujol, J., Fan, D. & Zhang, Z. 2018. Phylogeography of Eomecon chionantha in subtropical China: the dual roles of the Nanling Mountains as a glacial refugium and a dispersal corridor. BMC Evolutionary Biology 18: 20.

Vitales, D., D’Ambrosio, U., Gálvez, F., Kovarik, A. & Garcia, S. 2018. Correction to: Third release of the plant rDNA database with updated content and information on telomere composition and sequenced plant genomes. Plant Systematics and Evolution 304: 143–143.

Vitales, D., Feliner, G.N., Vallès, J., Garnatje, T., Firat, M. & Álvarez, I. 2018. A new circumscription of the Mediterranean genus Anacyclus (Anthemideae, Asteraceae) based on plastid and nuclear DNA markers. Phytotaxa 349(1): 1–17.

Zhang, J.M., López-Pujol, J., Gong, X., Wang, H.F., Vilatersana, R. & Zhou, S.L. 2018. Population genetic dynamics of Himalayan-Hengduan tree peonies, Paeonia subsect. Delavayanae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 125: 62–77.

Zhao, K.K., Wang, J.H., Cai, Y.C., Zhu, Z.X., López-Pujol, J. & Wang, H.F. 2018. Complete chloroplast genome sequence of Heritiera angustata (Malvaceae): an endangered plant species. Mitochondrial DNA Part B 3(1): 141–142.

The publications marked with are based or contain information on invasive alien species.

Chung, M. Y., López-Pujol, J. & Chung, M. G. 2017. The role of the Baekdudaegan (Korean Peninsula) as a major glacial refugium for plant species: A priority for conservation. Biological Conservation 206: 236–248.

Chung, M.Y., López-Pujol, J., Son, S., Suh, G.U., Yukawa, T. & Chung, M.G. 2017. Patterns of genetic diversity in rare and common Orchids focusing on the Korean Peninsula: Implications for conservation. Botanical Review 84: 1–25.

D’Ambrosio, U., Alonso-Lifante, M.P., Barros, K., Kovarik, A, Mas de Xaxars, G. & Garcia, S. 2017. B-chrom: a database on B-chromosomes of plants, animals and fungi. New Phytologist 216: 635–642.

Garcia, S., Kovaŕík, A., Leitch, A.R. & Garnatje, T. 2017. Cytogenetic features of rRNA genes across land plants: analysis of the Plant rDNA database. The Plant Journal 89(5): 1020–1030.

García-Aloy, S., Sanmartín, I., Kadereit, G., Vitales, D., Millanes, A.M., Roquet, C., Vargas, P., Alarcón, M. & Aldasoro, J.J. 2017. Opposite trends in the genus Monsonia (Geraniaceae): Specialization in the African deserts and range expansions throughout eastern Africa. Scientific Reports 303(4)7: 2057–2068.

García-Aloy, S., Vitales, D., Roquet, C., Sanmartín, I., Vargas, P., Molero, J., Kamau, P., Aldasoro, J.J. & Alarcón, M. 2017. North-west Africa as a source and refuge area of plant biodiversity: a case study on Campanula kremeri and Campanula occidentalis. Journal of Biogeography 303(4) 44: 2057–2068.

García-Fernández, A., Vitales, D., Pellicer, J., Garnatje, T. & Vallès, J. 2017. Phylogeographic insights into Artemisia crithmifolia (Asteraceae) reveal several areas of the Iberian Atlantic coast as refugia for genetic diversity. Plant Systematics and Evolution 303 (4): 509–519.

Gómez-Bellver, C. & Sáez, Ll. 2017. On the identity of plants belonging to the Opuntia humifusa complex (Cactaceae) naturalized in northeastern Iberian Peninsula. Orsis 31: 21–30.

Gras, A., Garnatje, T., Ibáñez, N., López-Pujol, J., Nualart, N. & Vallès, J. 2017. Medicinal plant uses and names from the herbarium of Francesc Bolòs (1773–1844). Journal of Ethnopharmacology 204: 142–168.

Hajji, A., Vitales, D., Elgazzeh, M., Garnatje, T. & Vallès, J. 2017. First genome size assessment in the genus Peganum and in the family Nitrariaceae: Iberian and north african data on Peganum harmala, including an intensive sampling in Tunisia. Doga, Turkish Journal of Botany 66(1) 41: 324–328.

Hidalgo, O., Vitales, D., Vallès, J., Garnatje, T., Siljak-Yakovlev, S., Leitch, I.J. & Pellicer, J. 2017. Cytogenetic insights into an oceanic island radiation: The dramatic evolution of pre-existing traits in Cheirolophus (Asteraceae: Cardueae: Centaureinae). Taxon 66(1): 146–157.

Ibáñez, N., Vallès, J. & Garnatje, T. 2017. In memoriam, Pere Montserrat Recoder (Mataró, 8 d’agost de 1918 – Jaca, 4 de febrer de 2017). Collectanea Botanica 36: e007.

Malik, S., Vitales, D., Hayat, M.Q., Korobkov, A.A., Garnatje, T. & Vallès, J. 2017. Phylogeny and biogeography of Artemisia subgenus Seriphidium (Asteraceae: Anthemideae).Taxon 66: 934–952.

Mesquida, V., Gómez-Bellver, C., Guillot, D., Herrando-Moraira, S., Nualart, N., Sáez, L. & López Pujol, J. 2017. El gènere Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae) a Catalunya: situació i distribució potencial del tàxon invasor K. × houghtoni. Orsis 31: 37–64.

Nualart, N., Ibáñez, N., Luque, P., Pedrol, J., Vilar, L. & Guàrdia, R. 2017. Dataset of herbarium specimens of threatened vascular plants in Catalonia. PhytoKeys 77: 41–62.

Nualart, N., Ibáñez, N., Soriano, I. & López-Pujol, J. 2017. Assessing the relevance of herbarium collections as tools for conservation biology. Botanical Review 83(3): 303–325.

Steen, F., Aragay, J., Zuljevic, A., Verbruggen, H., Mancuso, F.P., Bunker, F., Vitales, D., Gómez-Garreta, A. & Clerck, O. 2017. Tracing the introduction history of the brown seaweed Dictyota cyanoloma (Phaeophyceae, Dictyotales) in Europe. European Journal of Phycology 52: 3142.

Symonová, R., Ocalewicz, K., Kirtiklis, L., Battista Delmastro, G., Pelikánová, S., Garcia, S. & Kovařík, A. 2017. Higher-order organisation of extremely amplified, potentially functional and massively methylated 5S rDNA in European pikes (Esox sp.). BMC Genomics 18: 391.

Tang, C.Q., Dong, Y.F., Herrando-Moraira, S., Matsui, T., Ohashi, H., He, L.Y., Nakao, K., Tanaka, N., Tomita, M., Li, X.S., Yan, H.Z., Peng, M.C., Hu, J., Yang, R.H., Li, W.J., Yan, K., Hou, X., Zhang, Z.Y. & López-Pujol, J. 2017. Potential effects of climate change on geographic distribution of the Tertiary relict tree species Davidia involucrata in China. Scientific Reports 7: 43822.

Vitales, D., D’Ambrosio, U., Gálvez, F., Kovarik, A. & Garcia, S. 2017. Third release of the plant rDNA database with updated content and information on telomere composition and sequenced plant genomes. Plant Systematics and Evolution 303: 1115–1121.

The publications marked with are based or contain information on invasive alien species.

Álvarez, H.; Ibáñez, N. & Gómez-Bellver, C. 2016. Noves aportacions al coneixement de la flora al·lòctona de la comarca del Baix Llobregat (Catalunya, Espanya). Collectanea Botanica 35: 1–15.

Bosch, M., Simon, J., López-Pujol, J. & Blanchè, C. 2016. DCDB: an updated online database of chromosome numbers of tribe Delphinieae (Ranunculaceae). Flora Mediterranea 26: 191–201.

Bougoutaia, Y., Garcia, S., Garnatje, T., Kaid-Harche, H. & Vallès, J. 2016. Genome size, chromosome number, and rDNA organisation in Algerian populations of Artemisia herba-alba (Asteraceae), a basic plant for animal feeding facing overgrazing erosion. Anales del Jardín Botánico 73(2): e043

Chung, M. Y., López-Pujol, J. & Chung, M. G. 2016. Notes on genetic variation in Sedum sarmentosum (Crassulaceae): implications for the origin of southern Korean populations. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 46(4): 371–377.

Gavioli, L., Ibáñez, N. & Soriano, I. 2016. Type specimens preserved in the Trèmols and Costa herbaria (BC). Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 73(2): 1–6.

Gómez-Bellver, C., Álvarez, H. & Sáez. Ll. 2016. New contributions to the knowledge of the alien flora of the Barcelona province (Catalonia, Spain). Orsis 30: 167–189.

Guillot Ortiz, D., Lodé, J., López-Pujol, J. & Puche Rius, C. 2016. Opuntia dillei Griffiths – first time recorded as allochthonous in Spain and Europe. Xerophilia 5(2): 27–32.

Guillot Ortiz, D., López-Pujol, J., Silva, V., Laguna Lumbreras, E. & Puche Rius, C. 2016. First reports of Opuntia ficus-indica ‘Anacantha’ as an alien plant in the Iberian Peninsula. Bouteloua 23: 155–169.

Guillot Ortiz, D., Meer, P. van der & López-Pujol, J. 2016. Primera cita como alóctona de Furcraea selloa K. Koch en España. Bouteloua 24: 136–138.

López-Pujol, J. & Guillot Ortiz, D. 2016. Crassula multicava Lem., primera cita como alóctona en la comarca pontevedresa de El Salnés. Bouteloua 23: 179–180.

López-Pujol, J. & Guillot Ortiz, D. 2016. New data on horticultural forms belonging to the genus Yucca L. adventive or naturalized on the eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula. Bouteloua 23: 19–29.

López-Pujol, J., Guillot Ortiz, D., Nájera Quezada P., Nualart, N. & Meer, P. van der. 2016. Primera cita del endemismo mexicano Agave difformis A. Berger (Agavaceae) fuera de su área de distribución nativa. Acta Botanica Mexicana 115: 9–25.

López-Pujol, J., Gómez-Bellver, C, Guillot, D. & Lodé, J. 2016. Dos nuevas citas de Opuntia elata Link & Otto ex Salm-Dyc (Cactaceae) en Cataluña. Bouteloua 24: 150–152.

López-Pujol, J., López-Vinyallonga, S., Susanna de la Serna, A., Ertugrul, K., Uysal, T., Tugay, O., Guetat, A. & Garcia-Jacas, N. 2016. Speciation and genetic diversity in Centaurea subsect. Phalolepis in Anatolia. Scientific Reports 6: 37818.

Mas de Xaxars, G.,Garnatje, T., Pellicer, J., Siljak-Yakovlev, S., Vallès, J. & Garcia, S. 2016. Impact of dysploidy and polyploidy on the diversification of high mountain Artemisia (Asteraceae) and allies. Alpine Botany 126(1): 35–48.

Massó, S., López-Pujol, J., López-Alvarado, J., Blanché, C. & Sáez, L. 2016. One species, one genotype: no genotypic variability in the extremely narrow endemic tetraploid Agrostis barceloi (Gramineae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 302 (5): 609–615.

Mesquida, V., López-Pujol, J. & Guillot-Ortiz, D. 2016. A new species and new populations of the genus Agave L. for the alien flora of Catalonia (north-eastern Iberian Peninsula). Xerophilia 5(4): 45–58.

Sáez, Ll., Serapio, J., Gómez-Bellver, C., Ardenghi, N.M.G., Guillot, D. & Rita, J. 2016. Noves citacions de plantes vasculars al·lòctones per a les Illes Balears. Orsis 30: 101–121.

Vitales, D., García-Fernández, A., Garnatje, T., Pellicer, J. & Vallès, J. 2016. Phylogeographic insights of the lowland species Cheirolophus sempervirens in the southwestern Iberian Peninsula. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 54(1): 65–74.

Volis, S. & López-Pujol, J. 2016. New thinking and conceptual advances in plant conservation. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 63 (4): 209–2010.

Wang, Z.-Q., Guillot, D., Ren, M.-X. & López-Pujol, J. 2016. Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae) as invasive aliens in China – new records, and actual and potential distribution. Nordic Journal of Botany 34: 349–354.

Wang, W., Ma, L., Becher, H., Garcia, S., Kovarikova, A., Leitch, I. J., Leitch, A. R. & Kovaŕík, A. 2016. Astonishing 35S rDNA diversity in the gymnosperm species Cycas revoluta Thunb. Chromosoma 125(4): 683–699.

The publications marked with are based or contain information on invasive alien species.

Guillot, D., Laguna, E. & López-Pujol, J. 2014. First observations of Opuntia ‘Papiki’ as allochtonous in Iberian Peninsula. Acta Succulenta 2(3): 329–342.

Guillot, D., Laguna, E. & López-Pujol, J. 2014. Opuntia ficus-indica ‘Anacantha’ and ‘Vertex’, first references as cultivated plants in Spain and Europe. Bouteloua 19: 129–140.

Guillot, D., Laguna, E. & López-Pujol, J. 2015. Primera cita de Opuntia ‘Papiki’ en la provincia de Teruel (España). Bouteloua 20: 153–157.

Guillot, D., Laguna, E., López-Pujol, J. & Puche, C. 2015. Kalanchoe delagoensis ‘Morvedre’. Bouteloua 22: 64–75.

Guillot, D., Laguna, E., López-Pujol, J., Sáez, L. & Puche, C. 2014. Kalanchoe × houghtonii ‘Garbí’. Bouteloua 19: 99–128.

Guillot, D., López-Pujol, J., Laguna, E. & Puche, C. 2015. Kalanchoe daigremontiana Raym.-Hamet & H. Perrier ‘Iberian Coast’. Bouteloua 21: 35–48.

Guillot, D., López-Pujol, J., Laguna, E., Silva, V. & Puche, C. 2015. Un nuevo cultivar de Luther Burbank presente en la flora alóctona de la Península Ibérica, Opuntia ficus-indica ‘Vertex’. Bouteloua 20: 124–143.

López-Pujol, J. & Guillot, D. 2014. Primeras citas de Yucca recurvifolia Salisb. en Cataluña, y una nueva cita de Yucca gloriosa L. Bouteloua 19: 95–98.

López-Pujol, J. & Guillot, D. 2014. Yucca gigantea Lem., primeras citas en Cataluña, y área potencial de naturalización en la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares. Bouteloua 19: 212–220.

López-Pujol, J. & Guillot, D. 2015. Primera cita de Agave americana ‘Marginata aurea’ en Navarra. Bouteloua 21: 134–136.

López-Pujol, J. & Guillot, D. 2015. Primera cita de Arundo donax var. versicolor como alóctona en la Península Ibérica y en Europa. Bouteloua 22: 191–194.

López-Pujol, J. & Guillot, D. 2015. Primera cita de Cotoneaster pannosus Franch. (Rosaceae) para la provincia de Tarragona y actualización corológica para España. Botanica Complutensis 39: 63–69.

López-Pujol, J., Guillot, D., Meer. P. van der. 2015. New data from alien Agavaceae on the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula. Xerophilia 4(3): 103–118.

López-Pujol, J., Guillot, D., Meer. P. van der. 2015. Tres nuevos ágaves para la flora alóctona catalana. Bouteloua 22: 55–63.

Massó, S. & López-Pujol, J. 2014. Nuevos datos acerca de la población ilicitana de Populus euphratica Oliv. Flora Montiberica 58: 96–98.

Wang H.-F., López-Pujol, J., Meyerson, L. A., Qiu, J.-X., Wang X.-K. & Ouyang, Z.-Y. 2011. Biological invasions in rapidly urbanizing areas: a case study of Beijing, China. Biodiversity and Conservation 20: 2483–2509.

Wang, H.-F., MacGregor-Fors, I., & López-Pujol, J. 2012. Warm-temperate, immense, and sprawling: plant diversity drivers in urban Beijing, China. Plant Ecology 213: 967–992.

Wang, Z.-Q., Guillot, D. & López-Pujol, J. 2015. Crassula ovata, a new alien plant for mainland China. Collectanea Botanica 34: e009.